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CatalogIt https://hub.catalogit.app/5441
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Harry George Online https://harrylgeorgecollection.omeka.net/
St. Joseph Parks Online History https://stjosephparkshistory.omeka.net/
Research Materials and General History
American Indian History: Iowa, Sac, & Fox -- Harry L. George Collection
Jesse James
Missouri History – St. Joseph & Area History – Western Movement: Lewis & Clark, Oregon Trail and California Trail
Psychiatric History
The Civil War: Missouri and Kansas
The Pony Express
Trappers and Traders: Robidoux Family
Research Requests
The St. Joseph Museums welcomes researchers. To make a research appointment, please contact us at sjm@stjosephmuseum.org or call 816-232-8471.
Please note that research requests concerning our Native American collection must be approved by the tribe(s) to whom the items of interest are affiliated before access can be granted. Please proved us with as much time as possible for your research request; we recommend at least one month. Permission must be obtained by the museum directly; we cannot accept evidence of permission granted unless it comes to us directly from tribal representatives.
Research Rules
The hours are 9:00 a.m. to Noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, by appointment only. These hours are subject to change.
A Staff Member will be assigned to each researcher according to the area of the Museum Collections being studied and will be present while research is being done.
All researchers must fill out an “Access to Collections Form” before beginning their research.
Only the researcher is allowed in the research area. Family members or friends may tour the Museums while waiting.
Only pencils may be used in the research area – no pens or markers are allowed.
No knives, scissors, and/or other sharp implements are allowed in the research area.
Briefcases, backpacks, and/or tote bags are not allowed in the research area.
All books from the Reference Library will be removed and replaced by a staff member.
Material handling instructions will be given verbally to the researcher at the beginning of the appointment.
If archival gloves are needed for handling they will be provided by a staff member.
Extremely fragile materials may not be available for research.
If the researcher would like physical low resolution photocopies of material, the cost is $.15 per copy. All copying will be done by a staff member.
High resolution digital scans may be available for $1.00 per scan.
If a researcher is unable to travel to St. Joseph, we will be happy to do the research for you. The first hour of research is free, then $10.00 an hour for each additional hour of research, plus $.15 a copy for photocopies.